So You’re the New GOP Chair. Here’s How to Unite Your Party (Even When It Feels Impossible)

Last month, I sat down with a newly elected GOP County Chair who looked absolutely exhausted. “I thought winning the election would be the hard part,” she told me. “But now I’ve got three different factions who barely speak to each other, and someone called me a RINO in our first meeting.”

I hear this all the time from new chairs, and here’s what I always tell them: the divisions you’re seeing aren’t the real problem – they’re a symptom of a party that needs clear direction and early wins.

The Reality of Taking Over

Let me tell you about Tom, a District Chair who won his election by just seven votes. Half the room was thrilled, the other half was devastated, and he had to somehow bring everyone together to prepare for the upcoming election cycle.

“I’ve got people who won’t even sit at the same table during meetings,” he told me. “How am I supposed to run a party like this?”

What Tom discovered – and what every successful chair learns – is that unity doesn’t mean everyone has to agree on everything. It means giving everyone a meaningful way to contribute to shared goals.

The “RINO” Challenge

I recently watched a passionate debate unfold in a county party meeting. One group was advocating for broader outreach to independents, while another accused them of being “RINOs” who were watering down conservative principles.

Here’s how the chair handled it brilliantly. Instead of taking sides, she redirected the energy: “We all want to advance conservative values. Let’s talk about how different approaches might help us win more votes.”

That simple reframe changed everything. Suddenly, they weren’t arguing about who was “Republican enough” – they were strategizing about how to win elections.

Quick Wins That Build Trust

One of my favorite success stories is about a chair who inherited a deeply divided party. Instead of trying to solve everything at once, she focused on small, visible improvements that everyone could get behind:

  • She organized the volunteer database that had been a mess for years
  • She started sending regular email updates to keep everyone informed
  • She made sure every faction had representation on key committees

Within three months, even her former opponents were commenting on how much more professional the organization felt.

The Power of Shared Success

I remember watching a skeptical party member transform into an enthusiastic supporter after being put in charge of a voter registration drive. She had opposed the chair’s election, but when she saw her work making a real difference, the old conflicts started to fade.

That’s the thing about shared success – it’s the best antidote to division I’ve ever seen.

Making Everyone Feel Valued

Here’s a strategy I saw work beautifully in a divided district party. The new chair:

  • Invited her former opponents to lead key initiatives
  • Created committees that mixed members from different factions
  • Celebrated everyone’s contributions equally
  • Focused discussions on practical goals rather than ideological purity

The result? Within six months, people who wouldn’t speak to each other were working together on voter outreach projects.

Communication That Builds Bridges

One chair I worked with had a simple but effective approach. Every week, she:

  • Held open office hours where anyone could share concerns
  • Sent update emails highlighting different members’ contributions
  • Made sure every faction knew their voice was being heard
  • Kept everyone focused on the next achievable goal

The Momentum of Small Victories

Here’s what I’ve seen work time and again:

  • Start with simple, visible improvements everyone can support
  • Give critics meaningful responsibilities
  • Celebrate shared successes, no matter how small
  • Keep everyone focused on winning elections
  • Build bridges through consistent communication

Remember Why We’re Here

The most effective chair I ever worked with had a saying: “We can argue about the perfect shade of red after we win the election.”

She understood something crucial – that our differences are less important than our shared goal of advancing conservative principles and winning elections.

Let’s Talk About Your Party

Every local party faces unique challenges, and I’d love to hear about yours. Are you dealing with post-election tensions? Looking for ways to bring different factions together? Let’s talk about building unity in your organization.

Want to discuss your party leadership challenges over coffee (virtual works too!)? Choose a time or reach out at I’m always happy to share ideas and help good Republican leaders build stronger, more united parties.


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