VOTEGTR Helps YouRaise Money And Engage Target Voters.
VOTEGTR's Email and SMS Text consultants provide your campaign with fully baked, effective outreach content that you can be sure will raise money, engage your supporters, and power your campaign toward Election Day.
Raise Money & Promote Fundraising Events Like Never Before
Email and SMS can be a great way to encourage people to attend your campaign events, and for them to bring a friend!
Engage & Mobilize Your Grassroots Supporters On Your Terms
Encourage your core supporters to help your campaign hit donation and field outreach goals.
Organize Your Field Teams & Supporters On Election Day
Use Email & Text to compel your grassroots supporters to get active in the effort to Get Out The Vote on Election Day.
You are one form away from a winning digital campaign.
Once we have your details, we will contact you to plan your winning digital campaign.